Art in the Wild
Looking for inspiration, we sometimes become blind to the greatness that is found just around the corner. We are slightly embarrassed how long it has taken us to take the hour and a half car ride to Wanås, just north of Kristianstad.
It is 30 years ago that Marika Wachtmeister started exhibiting art on the forest and park grounds of her family’s 18th Century estate Wanås, in time making it one of the world’s largest and most acclaimed sculpture park. Its roster of artists is impressive – our favourite installations found on-site are by Marina Abramovic, Dan Graham, Antony Gormley and Sissel Tolaas, to name a few.
We particularly love Yoko Ono’s ‘Wish Tree’ project, where all visitors are given a tag to write down a wish on and hung in one of the young 14 apple trees. We could literally have spent hours walking around reading other people’s longings and yearnings – from simple wishes such as having pork chops for dinner to more completed matters such as world peace.